Lasers VS. Peels
I get asked this question often and honest the answer is both!! There are a couple or more things that can be a deal breaker and help you make your decision. DOWNTIME, MONEY, and PAIN involved with each procedure . You can have peels monthly , whereas with Laser treatments would be more quarterly procedures.
So let’s talk PIGMENT and what your choices are there. I hear patients say/ ask if I dont have alot of time to come into the office what would you recommend ? My answer to that is 2-3 treatments of BBL or IPL when treating pigment, brown spots and then follow with a PX home regimen and the consistent use of sunscreen . I would always recommend that you continue the results with coming in monthly for peels and develop a relationship with your aesthetician so she can continue to monitor your progress and change your home program for continued results . With BBL or IPL you have minimal down time and can wear makeup as the pigment lifts off over a 7-10 day process.
With Peels and treating PIGMENT , the cost is less than laser, however you can recognize when you or your girlfriend have had a peel. Most likely you will be peeling 48-72 hours after your treatment. Also it will take more than one peel to reduce the appearance of pigment. Again the key to the results of either is Sunscreen.
If treating both Pigment, stubborn lines, texture and pore size this would require both ablative and non-ablative laser. HALO is the first hybrid , dual action laser available to patients that can treat most all skin types and skin conditions and can also be used on face, neck , chest , arms and legs. The downtime is minimal and cost is around 1200-1700 depending on the area you are in. Count on 7-10 days down . Which means no exercise for first 5 days and and knowing that for the first 48 hours you could experience swelling. Minimal redness and a protocol from your esthetician that will help with the healing process.